Incorporating Breathing Exercises into Your Prenatal Meditation Routine

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  • admin
  • October 9, 2024

Calling all moms-to-be! Are you ready to experience all the ups and downs of this whirlwind journey to motherhood? Imagine a secret superpower that soothes your nerves, connects you with your baby, and prepares you for the big day—all while you sit comfortably at home. Curious, eh? 


Let’s dive into these game-changing breathing exercises incorporated into meditation for pregnant woman that’s about to become your pregnancy BFF!


When Should You Start Your Breathing Exercises During Pregnancy?

Before doing any exercises, you should consult with your prenatal therapists to learn more about them. Since there is a life growing inside you, you should avoid incorporating your own exercises in a prenatal program. 


Do follow the exercises your professional has given you and act accordingly. And most importantly, try to enjoy the sessions to the fullest. After all, this is an effective solution to get tranquillity and peace. 


You may wonder whether incorporating breathing exercises into meditation for pregnant woman is helpful or not. During the exercises, you inhale oxygen while breathing. Usually, most of us take shallow and quick breaths, which don’t benefit our body at all. Learning to breathe properly will help you maintain a perfect balance between nourishing oxygen inhaled and toxic carbon dioxide exhaled. 


There are several benefits of deep breathing exercises, including,


  • Relax your body; it helps you reduce stress.
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Allow your body to remove waste effectively.
  • Boost the level of oxygen in your body. 
  • Enhance the functionality of your internal organs.
  • Improve the quality of sleep
  • Help relieve anxiety and stress.


It has also been seen that practicing breathing exercises and meditation for pregnant woman helps them to cope with pain and stay calm during labour. 


Are Breathing Exercises Incorporated in Meditation for Pregnant Women Safe During Pregnancy?

Pregnant women should not take deep, forceful, and quick breaths such as bellow’s breath (bhastrika) and cleaning breath (kapalabhati). If you experience any type of discomfort during pregnancy, stop to continue the breathing exercises as soon as possible. 


Keep in mind that breathing is not sufficient; you must also learn to adopt the best posture based on your bump size. Many people also make the mistake of overdoing a particular breathing technique, which leads to shortness of breath and dizziness, which is harmful for your baby. 


Doctors reported that many pregnant women lie flat on their backs during breathing exercises. This body posture puts a huge pressure on a major vein and reduces blood flow to your baby. 


Breathing Exercises to Try

Deep belly breathing

This is a great starting point. It helps you relax and connects you with your growing belly.


  • Sit comfortably or lie on your side.
  • Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly.
  • Inhale slowly through your nose, feeling your belly expand.
  • Exhale gently through your mouth, feeling your belly soften.
  • Repeat for 5-10 breaths.


Ocean Breath

This is one of the best yoga-based breathing exercises for pregnant women so far. In addition to other exercises, including pelvic floor exercises, these exercises can do wonders for your body and baby. For example, pregnancy counselling services recommend pregnant women practice this breathing exercise to enhance their energy level. 


This soothing breath can help you feel grounded and centred.


  • Inhale deeply through your nose.
  • As you exhale, slightly constrict the back of your throat to create a soft “ocean” sound.
  • Continue for 5-10 breaths.


Sheetali Pranayama

Also known as cooling breath, which helps your body and mind to stay cool while regulating the body heat throughout the body during pregnancy. 


  • First, sit comfortably in the Vajrayana pose.
  • Now, keep your hands on the thighs, fold your tongue, and form a vent.
  • Then breathe deeply through the vent.
  • Once you inhale the oxygen, try to touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth so that you can feel the coolness while swallowing the air.
  • Now, repeat this exercise for 15 to 20 minutes. 


A Note of Encouragement

Dear Mama, you are doing an excellent job by growing the life inside of you. That’s why it’s your responsibility to take care of your own body and mind, and this can be the best gift for the baby as well. Since you are about to start breathing exercises and meditation for pregnant woman, you should be kind to yourself. 


Keep in mind that this is a practice, and like anything new, it takes time. Therefore, it will be very helpful if you can celebrate small victories like remembering your breathing exercises even in a stressful situation. However, if you want to enrol your name in the professional pregnancy meditation session, contact the first parents.


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